Monday, October 12, 2009

Cancer Free!!

I finally got my test results back end of last week and everything looks "GREAT" said my Dr. I jumped up and down with joy just hearing the news I couldn't be more excited!! I now only have to see the Doctor once a year vs. every 3 months......Life is good!

I am now a walking billboard about how important is it to get your yearly pap! If I hadn't of gone who knows how long it would of taken me to find out that I had cervical cancer. I thank god I was only stage 2, and that my doctor knew what to look for. Most women put it off, I know it's not the funniest Dr. appointment but try going every 3 months...Now once a year doesn't seem so bad...does it?

If you know a friend/family who has been putting off going to the Doctor...Please pass along a good Dr. phone # or my story. Life is to short as it is, make it a point to put your health first.