Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Freaks come out @ Night!!

I must have been a full moon or just my lucky night!
Tuesday night Adam and I had some free time so we decided to go grocery shopping and pick up some of the essentials (milk, bread etc). As we were walking around I saw a strange old man with a cart full of bleach- were talking (8) one gallon jugs, cracker, and a BIG bottle of wine….I guess if I had that much laundry I would drink too! If that guy wasn’t enough….We then head out to our car and see another couple loading up their car nothing to strange about that right!! It was what happened next that socked both Adam and I. They lock up their car and look like they were both taking the cart back…but NO they pass the cart return and started heading out of the parking lot!! Yep….They were trying to see if they could steal the cart… (WTF) It was around that time Adam and I both looked at each other and said “we are NEVER going shopping at night again”…