Friday, September 25, 2009

New Family Tradition

My first holiday season as a married wife/with-out my family
:(….I get nerves just thinking about it! (I don’t do well with change)
I had a hard time holding back tears when my mom called to tell me they weren’t coming down for Christmas/New Years (I just had to have my 35,000 wedding). I have never spent Christmas without them; it’s defiantly going to be different. I guess it’s time to make our own family tradition!!
Let all pray I don’t have a brake down right in the middle of opening gift’s……


Traci said...

Once you are married - things do change when holidays come around. We do the "taking turns" thing. Christmas one year with my family & Thanksgiving with Chris' family. And then the next year is switched - Christmas with Chris' family and Thanksgiving with my family. It's working for us and makes it predictable - which helps. :) Good luck!