Monday, July 27, 2009

Always read from Left to Right....

This might possible be the funniest story yet of our newlywed life. So here it goes....

Adam and I made a Costco run about a week ago to get a few household items, one of them being Dishwasher Soap. Everything was going great, I was so proud we only spent $197.00 for us that was on budget. We got home everything was great, tell the next day... I got off work so excited to get home (Adam had got off work early so I asked him if he would pick up the kitchen and put the dishes in the dishwasher) I got home and started walking to the kitchen to give Adam a BIG hug & kiss for doing the dishes......instead I GASPED!! There were bubbles everywhere all over my kitchen floor...!! I screamed for Adam and we both said OMG what happened? My first question was did you read the directions to the dishwasher soap...Adam says NO it was the same "looking" soap we have always got so I didn't think anything of it. (Ok I give him that; I probably wouldn't of read them either). So we get everything cleaned up and chalked it up to Adam putting too much soap in the dishwasher. So then yesterday Adam goes to full up the dishwasher with soap again....and by everyone’s supersize he takes my advice and actually reads the directions. The next thing I hear is “O babe you will never guess why the dishwasher really overflowed!! We bought laundry soap” I start rolling on the floor. I ask him why he didn’t read the name of the product before placing in the shopping cart. Adam response was “I did it said ........... Detergent”. I then said in America we read from left to I leaned to always double check what Adam palaces in the cart...And I think Adam has leaned to always read the labels from left to right.
“The glamorous life of a newlywed”


Becky said...

Well...were the dishes at least clean, anyway?

Natalie Anderson-Prevatte said...

Ya....But I re-washed them just to make sure!