Monday, July 13, 2009

The idiots guide to Newlywed Life!!

No one tell you how much stuff there is to-do after you get married!!
Marriage License……Name change….Social security card…..Passport…..Drivers License…..Bank Accounts……and all your bills and not to minchin all the Thank You Notes. The list makes me tired just looking at it. And whatever you do don’t…. I repeat don’t…… take the wrong copy of your marriage license to the DMV, I was really thinking maybe I should just keep my name this can’t be worth it …..Waiting in that line was crazy!! (Please like people have a copy of their marriage license if they aren’t married!!)
Someone should really write a book…. The idiots guide to Newlywed Life! (All the things your mother NEVER tells you)


amanda131 said...

It's in the making....Really, I'm well into it, the trick is getting it published, that's not easy......

Natalie Anderson-Prevatte said...

I cant wait to read it!!