Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not going to gain weight after marrying my mate....

Last night Adam and I finally got the wii fit. All my friends were right; it’s nothing like a normal work out… it is really fun and interactive. You don’t even feel like your working out until the sweat run down your face…lol
We both got are mii’s set up and did our overall fitness tests! I was very nerves …… Nobody really wants to know just how out of shape they really are, but when the results came back I was in shock!! It came back with a overall fitness age of 20yrs old (all that $ for the gym paid off…I guess) Adam’s came back at 38yrs old. See maybe having a little meat on your bones makes you live longer…lol (let me live in my fantasy world) my goal is to get toned and in shape before starting a family… I will keep you all updated on my progress! Wish me luck!