Thursday, July 23, 2009

The value of a good friendship….

Since getting married I have really learned the value of my friendships. I now understand what my married friends/family were telling me about how spending more time with good friends can keep you from "going off the deep end" (no pun intended).
Yesterday Vicky and I spent most of the day just hanging by the pool. It was so relaxing and well needed.
Talking with her always seems to help bring me back to reality. I have always been thankful she is in my life, but now more than ever.
Adam spent the day with one of his BEST friends also; I think it was a well needed break from the everyday. Now that I am writing this I wonder what they were talking about.?? Hopefully he was giving Adam great advice about how to survive marriage…lol I have to give Adam credit he has made more of an effort to help around the house, and our communication has improved…Thank God!! Maybe spending more time apart really is helping our marriage over all!